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4 Myths on Hearing Aids Debunked

As with many things, there are a lot of myths about hearing aids that has gone around for ages. Unfortunately, most people choose not to bother verifying these misconceptions with medical experts. With the prevalence of headphones, loud electronic dance music (EDM) at parties, and the use of smartphones in today’s digital age, it is important to attend to hearing loss when it first begins. Here are three of the many myths about hearing aids along with the facts that we should believe instead:

Myth 1: Hearing aids will make you look “older” because it’s big and bulky

In the past, we had this notion that hearing aids were widely used only by old people. Just like with wearing glasses, some people, especially the younger generations, would rather endure hearing loss than be made fun of because their hearing aids make them look like an old woman/man.

Fact: The evolution of technology has also paved way to the improvement of hearing aids over time. A lot of hearing aids are now designed in a way that they’re hardly noticeable by people around them. Most hearing aids available today are discreet and small, that only those who would look closely will realize you are wearing one.

Myth 2: You’re hearing loss is not that bad enough to use hearing aids

Sometimes, we experience the subtle symptoms of hearing loss and choose to shrug it off. Sometimes we go, “Eh, it’s probably not that bad.” We then hope that our hearing goes back to normal eventually all by itself.

Fact: A good rule of thumb to always keep in mind is that when people around you jokingly calls you a deaf person and complains about why you can’t hear what they were saying , it is best to have your ears tested as early as possible. You know what they say, it’s always better to prevent rather than to cure. You will also have an idea how much hearing aids can help you by consulting an audiologist.

Myth 3: Hearing aids are like glasses, they restore your hearing to normal

Fact: Hearing aids are not meant to restore hearing back to its normal state. Unlike glasses with proper prescription, which can improve vision, hearing aids are only meant to assist the wearer to improve his/her listening abilities when worn, thus improving the quality of life.

Myth 4: Hearing aid makes everything louder and hurts my ears

Fact: Not anymore. With today’s technology for hearing aids such as dynamic range compression, your hearing aid can help you amplify soft sounds and soften loud ones so you can hear without hurting your ears. Some also has advanced noise reduction that can help you focus on what you want to hear.

There are a lot of styles and designs of hearing aids that are available in the market today. There are also a lot of brands that sell high quality, comfort fit hearing aids such as MDHearingAid. Make sure that you choose the type that suits your listening needs, your budget, and how much it could help you live your life to its fullest potential.

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